12th Man Fund

12th Man Fund

Help the Boro - Be Our 12th Man

From the Club's recent Annual General Meeting, a message from new Boro manager Kris Newby:

We need our loyal fans more than ever this season after what has been an eventful past month to say the least. It's nothing new in Non-League to lose a player or two in the off season but to lose eighteen was a surprise and, not only that, we lost seventy five percent of our budget.

I am working tirelessly to rebuild our squad and give our amazing club, fans and volunteers one they can be proud of. Because of our exploits last season, every player I am speaking with barring ones I know personally think we have a massive war chest to dip into. Obviously we know at the club this isn't the fact.

Taking everything into consideration I am looking to set up a 12th Man Fund in which our community can help with bringing in players and the budget to make sure we are competitive on the pitch and try to push forward and get back to the level this great club belongs.

My idea is that individuals can set up a monthly payment to the club by either direct debit or standing order to the club's account with a selection of amounts.

• £5 a month
• £10 a month
• £25 a month
• £50 a month

All funds that are raised from the 12th Man Fund will go into the playing budget to help us manage the budget throughout the season and any funds that are left over will carry over to the next season so we can continue to strengthen the squad and allow for continuity in players as best we can and not allow what has happened player wise happen again.

I understand this is big ask but this league is getting more and more competitive each year and more teams than ever are paying players which wasn't the case at this level several years ago.


If you would like to contribute, the easiest way is to set up a monthly standing order for the amount you would like to pay, whether it's £5, £10, £25, £50 or whatever, for the 1st of each month starting 1st July. Most banks enable Standing Orders to be set up through telephone or online banking or their mobile banking apps, or of course you can complete a Standing Order form and take it to your bank.

The club's bank details are as follows:

Romford Football Club Limited
Sort Code: 30-96-66
Account Number: 02245606
Please quote "12th Man Fund" as the payment reference.